Do you have an aggressive dog? These types of canines seem more common these days, and they are not shy to let everyone know about them. These dogs have the instinct to protect their territory, which includes barking at anyone or anything on their territory. If your dog is barking at people or dogs on walks, while watching birds in your yard, or at other dogs in your neighborhood, there are ways to de-escalate the situation and stop it before it escalates.

Most people are terrified of an aggressive dog attack and for a good reason. The injury statistics are scary. Almost 4.5 million Americans live with dog bites yearly, about 800,000 serious enough to require medical attention. Many more dog bites are reported each year, meaning the actual number of dog bite victims is likely much higher.

But as an owner, how can you deal with aggressive dogs, so they don’t cause harm to themselves or others? Well, let’s learn more.

Consult Your Vet

Dogs are man’s best friend, but some may not be so friendly. If your dog has snapped or bitten at you, there may be more than a simple pet fight. An aggressive dog may have anxiety or, more specifically, separation anxiety, while aggressive dogs may also have physical problems. Learn how to recognize when your dog is aggressive; consult your vet and take precautions if your dog needs to be muzzled or kept on a leash.

Seek Help from Professionals

Dogs are family, but that doesn’t mean you can push them around. When it comes to dogs, you have to be polite. This is because even dogs that are not known to be aggressive can be dangerous when provoked. If your dog is aggressive, seek help from professionals. Dog training classes can help, but you may need to consult a dog trainer for more severe cases.

Train Them Properly

Aggressive dogs pose a serious safety risk to you and your family, but they can also be difficult to control. Training a dog properly is important to prevent a potentially dangerous situation from arising. Most animals eventually learn to respond to their owners’ commands, so it’s important to train them properly, using commands like “sit” or “stay.” And once they have been properly trained, it’s important to remain vigilant.

Keep Them on The Leash When Outside

Before the first animal attack happens, it’s important to know how to deal with an aggressive dog properly. In an emergency, you must recognize a dog that is showing threatening behavior as well as knowing how to calm your dog down before tensions rise further. A dog can bite without warning, so it’s important always to walk your dog on a leash and to be mindful of your surroundings.

Do Not Punish Your Dog

You’ve probably had to deal with an aggressive dog or two if you’ve owned this type of animal in the past. And, if you’re like most dog owners, you have tried a variety of training methods in a bid to deter your dog’s aggression. Unfortunately, punishment-based training methods often fail, so try and avoid this practice where you can.

Treatment And Medication

As much as we don’t want to believe it, some canines can unfortunately become aggressive. They are often bred to be aggressive, and dogs who grow up in abusive environments may develop this trait. Some dogs may even learn to be aggressive from their owners. When dogs develop these behaviors, owners should seek help as soon as possible. Aggressive dogs can cause owners problems in daily life, including in public spaces. One solution that may help is treatment and medication. Your vet will be able to prescribe the relevant medication to help with their needs. 

In conclusion, although some people are afraid of dogs, others are worried about aggressive dogs. Usually, owners take care of aggressive dogs by training them not to act aggressively. Many people prefer dogs that can cuddle and aren’t aggressive. So, it is important that you follow the tips listed above if you want to deal with aggressive dogs in the best way possible.